Momma and Pops took care of Marley as if she were their own, but she still feels betrayed and struggles with the feelings that flood over her with this new discovery. Marley's parents confess that they are not her parents that her mother Christine died when she was a baby, and that her father left her because he couldn't deal with the loss. they Marley had three friends Shoogy, Bobby and his daughter Feather who she usually babysits. She has never met him, but she knows that he travels with his dog boy, and writes to her about his travels. Marley writes letters to her Uncle whom she has never met but whom through correspondence shares many of her thoughts.

Heaven is the name of the small town where fourteen year old Marley lives with her Momma Pops and younger brother Butchy. Simon and Shuster Books for Young Children: New York, New York.