To him “something happened when Violet explained a scientific theory. After all Violet did reflect at their torrid first meeting, that Arthur’s “eyes were what told Violet she would be safe, no matter what.”As for Arthur I love his acceptance and delight in Violet. He should have listened more closely to his employer, Lord Greycliff, Violet’s stepson when he muttered,“Funny how chaos seems to follow behind certain women.” Arthur is about to get the surprise of his life.Violet is one of the founders of Athena’s Retreat, a salon that fronts for a secret society allowing women scientists to pursue their chosen areas of investigation away from the disapproving society of the times.I’m not sure if the developing relationship between Arthur and Violet is a slow smouldering burn or attraction at first sight. The prime minister’s agent Arthur Kneland has been deployed as her body guard after a failed assassination attempt.Arthur’s idea of the widow, before he meets her it must be admitted, is way below par. Brilliant! Funny and more!The dark, earnest assassin and the lovely insecure widow with a genius for chemistry! Violet Hughes, Lady Greycliff, is developing an antidote to poison gas being used by a radical worker’s organization.